Die weltweit führenden Organisationen professioneller Fotografie von 4 Kontinenten veranstalten jährlich den „World Photographic Cup“, um auf internationalem Parkett die besten fotografischen Arbeiten zu prämieren.
Teamleiter Deutschland ist Bernd Gassner
bei Fragen 01623223291
COMMERCIAL: Images with an intended use by a commercial client to promote or brand a product or company. Advertising, fashion, beauty, still life, food, architecture, corporate photography are all included in this category. Composite and non-composite images, and highly manipulated images (Photoshop or similar), are allowed as relevant in this category.
ILLUSTRATION-DIGITAL ART: An Illustration is a graphic depiction of any concept or subject. The main principle of an Illustration is to elucidate or define a concept, story, literature, activity etc. in such a way as to provide a visual representation of the story, title or concept. Composite and non-composite images, and highly manipulated images (Photoshop or similar), are allowed as relevant in this category.
NATURE(landscape/wildlife): The Nature (landscape/wildlife) category consists of images intended to show the beauty of nature and wildlife. Wildlife images should be captured in their natural habitat. Panoramas are allowed in this category. Composite and non-composite images are allowed in this category.
PORTRAIT: Entries should reflect the appearance, essence or personality of those portrayed. Images of families or groups are included in this category. Judges will consider the relevance of highly manipulated images as it relates to the category. Composite images are allowed as long as the digital postproduction is not a significant part of conveying the personality of the subject(s). Photographic works where the image manipulation or post production becomes a significant part of the final image must be entered into Illustration or Commercial
REPORTAGE/PHOTOJOURNALISM: Images that illustrate an actual public or non-public event, life, an area of human interest, telling news that have meaning on the context or record of events, high impact and/or lasting emotional response. Images that illustrate sporting events are included in this category. Basic color and brightness adjustments, cropping, dodging and burning in are allowed. Only single-capture images will be accepted. Composite and multiple exposure images will not be accepted. The original captured image (in RAW or jpg) must be available if requested by the WPC.
WEDDING: Entries in Wedding must be done in connection with an actual wedding event (not a commercially created image). Images should reflect the personality of the subject(s). They must include some visual reference(s) that defines the wedding event (traditional clothing, church flowers etc.). Composite images are allowed as long as the digital postproduction is not a significant part of displaying the essence or the personality of the subject(s). Photographic works where the image manipulation or post production becomes a significant part of the final image must be entered into Illustration or Commercial
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